Mary Beth

When I was little, my dad often took me home a gift from his business trips. The most beautiful of all was a beautiful rag doll. It was called AMY. She accompanied me almost into the operating room when I was operated on my tonsils at the age of 12. The nurse put Amy close to my face and said: "You don't have to be afraid because we always keep your doll here next to you" AMY is still with me in my room now watching over my children too ... I love her. So when I made my first doll, I decided to create my own line that I called: "AMY'S FRIENDS"

Mary Beth è la dolcezza in persona, con la sua immancabile pashmina é piena di fantasia e gusto per i colori e materiali. Buona, paziente e sempre disponibile... è difficile vederla arrabbiata! Non è proprio amante dell'ordine ne di svegliarsi troppo presto la mattina???????? ma chi lo è???


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